ECOpulse_banner_2-logoECOpulse System is a Revolutionary technology of electro osmosis damp proofing.


Get acquainted with our award-winning system ECOpulse .

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ECOpulse system

The use of our system will:
–    improve living conditions
–    dry out the construction forever (as long as the device   is switched on)
–    increase the lifetime of your building
–    lower heating costs (up to 65%)
–    remove toxins and salts from the walls
–    prevent cracking of the walls
–    prevent oxidation of the metal
–    diminish corrosivity of the environment and refine conditions for plant growth
–    prevent the formation of mold and bacteria

ECOpulse system system uses the revolutionary technology of pulse resonant electroosmosis, which is based on well-established scientific theories. The device finds the resonant frequency of the wall being dehumidified, and uses it to turn around the capillary flow of the moisture. Thanks to this process, the capillary water changes direction and starts moving back into the soil.

This device helps make buildings more energy-efficient – it reduces the heating and cooling costs by up to 65%. Since there can be up to 450 litres of water in a cubic metre of concrete, decreasing the amount of moisture in a wall greatly increases thermal insulation.

The system offers an economical and permanent solution for eliminating capillary moisture, entirely free of chemicals and toxic materials that poison our environement. ECOpulse system can be used in virtually any space that is suffering from too much humidity. There are smaller units meant for home use, and bigger, more powerful industrial systems for large constructions.

Since the system only uses a few watts per 100m2, it can also be used in places without access to electrical network, since it can be powered by a small solar cell or a battery. It is worth noting that the system can also be used where a construction interference is not possible or not allowed (listed or protected historic buildings, castles, churches etc.).

ECOpulse system

Dehumidifying walls in a way that is used by the nature itself

Presentation of the system:

One of the biggest issues mostly everyone faces in their living space is humidity, which is why it is not surprising that moist walls can become a big struggle for many people.

It is widely known that water can easily break into the building through smaller and bigger cracks, however, it is not so well known that water also travels up the capillaries which are so small our eyes can’t detect them.

Moist walls are often connected with the lift of capillary humidity. The water from the soil enters the building. (You can imagine soaking a cloth in a bucket of water, and seeing the water travel up the cloth.)  The smaller the capillaries, the bigger the effect. The moisture can raise up to 6 metres high.

Because of moist walls, our heating and cooling costs can be up to 65% higher than they would be with dry walls. Concealed inside a concrete wall, there can be 450 litres in a cubic metre.

The excessive moisture also affects our health negatively, especially for those suffering with the problems of the respiratory system, since it encourages the growth of different bacteria, mould, and mites. The formation of wall mould is almost invisible to the eye because it mostly forms inside the wall, and we only notice it when it breaks through the plaster and the paint. This is why it is essential for our health and well-being to keep the walls dry.

There are quite a few dehumidifying systems out on the market, however, a lot of them are only effective at concealing the problem rather than permanently solving it. At the same time, many of those systems use different chemicals that only worsen the situation in the long run.

We addresed the problem solving in a way that is used by the nature itself. Our system, that works without any chemicals or toxic materials at all, is based on the process of electroosmosis. This process reverses the capillary flow of water, and consequently causes the moisture to start moving down the walls back into the soil. During this procedure, toxins and salts stored in the walls – these cause additional damage, such as oxidation of metals or shedding of the plaster – are being removed along with the humidity.

Description of the system

One of the ways of dehumidifying walls is the revolutionary technology of electroosmosis, which is based on well-established scientifical theories. The system offers a permanent and economical solution to excessive wall humidity.

Our system uses the technology of pulse resonant electroosmosis, which is used by the device to find the resonant frequence and use that to influence the capillary moisture that is rising up the building walls. It reverses the flow of the water that starts moving back into the soil.

Pulse electroosmosis achieves that, instead of particles travelling in a static electric field, they are forced to change orientation due to a pulsing force. Thanks to that, small and big molecules in water split more easily and consequently travel faster from the positive charge to the negative.ECOpulse_system-img_1

The presented device is a combination of a wireless and a wire system.

Wireless system


With the wireless system, the device sends electromagnetic pulses that change the polarity of the water in the wall, and force it back into the soil. The wireless system is useful where a construction interference is not possible, or installation is difficult (if the access to the wall is impossible or it is not allowed/wanted to interfere with the walls). The installation of the wireless system is a lot easier.

oil / cathode (-) / positively charged wall / ECOpulse system / electromagnetic pulses that change the polarity of the water in the wall



Wire system

With the wire system, the device sends electrical pulses of different frequencies and forms through the wall into the soil. By doing so, it polarises the water and forces it to start travelling back to the soil. If the wall is thicker, an anode can be installed on both the inner and the outer side of the wall.

Once the system dries out the walls, they stay dry until the system is turned off.


the distance between the anode (+) and the cathode (-) is approximately 1500 mm / positively charged wall / if the wall is very thick, an anode can also be installed on the outer side of the wall / ECOpulse system / anode (+) / the height of the installed anode (+) is approximately 300 mm from the ground

negatively charged soil / the direction of the water (from positively polarised wall to the negatively polarised soil) / ground / basement

With the wire system, a positive electrode (anode (+)) is placed inside a small tube of depth around 20 mm. The anode is usually installed on only one height that travels along the wall on the inside of the building (approximately 100 to 300 mm from the ground).

The negative electrode (cathode (-)) is installed outside the building in the soil, at least a metre away from the anode.

anode (+) (tube 2) / ECOpulse system / cathode (-) (tube 1) / cathode isolated from the wall / stairway to the basement / anode (+) (tube 1)

a hole through the wall / the direction of the anode (+) / basement / a hole through the wall / cathode (-) (tube 2)ECOpulse_system-img_4

In exceptional cases, where there is extreme humidity, more electrodes can be used – they are strategically placed in the wall or the ground. Electrodes are installed about a metre apart from each other.ECOpulse_system-img_5

cathode (-) / the wall / anode (+) / positively charged wall and ground / soil / a cathode can also be installed through the basement wall / negatively charged soil / the direction of the water (from positively polarised wall to the negatively polarised soil) / if necessary, anodes (+) are also placed on the floor

Po nekaterih testiranjih lahko izpodrinemo tudi vodo, ki vdira v stene s pritiskom do 60 barov (višina 600m).

Nihanje količine vlage v zidu ni pomembno, saj naš sistem sam išče optimalno točko delovanja. Ko se zid suši se njegova električna prevodnost zmanjšuje, el. upornost pa poveča. Zaradi tega začne naprava porabljati manj energije. V primeru vdora vlage (dež, poplave, dvig podtalnice) se električna prevodnost zidu poveča njegova upornost pa zmanjša in zato naprava sama prilagodi frekvenco in moč delovanja, ter s tem prepreči nadaljni vdor vlage v zgradbo.

Naprava porablja za delovanje nekaj vatov (W) na 100 kvadratnih metrov.

Ker sistem za delovanje porablja tako malo energije ga je smiselno uporabiti tudi tam, kjer nimamo dostopa do električnega omrežja, saj ga lahko poganja že manjša sončna celica ali akumolator.

Sistem je uporaben še posebej tam, kjer tradicionalne metode niso uspele rešiti problema mokrih sten. V zgradbah vseh vrst standardnih gradbenih materialov, spomeniško zaščitenih stavbah, kjer gradbeni poseg ni mogoč…

Če zid vsebuje večje vidne razpoke jih je potrebno pred priključitvijo sistema popraviti z ustaljenimi načini.

The use of our system will

–        improve your living conditions

–        deeply dehumidify your house or apartement

–        extend the building’s lifespan

–        reduce heating costs (up to 65%)

–        remove toxins and salts from the walls

–        prevent cracking of the walls that is due to spreading of ice

–        prevent metal oxidation

–        decrease the corrosivity of your environement and improve conditions for plant growth

–        prevent the formation of mould, bacteria and mites

Naprava je okolju prijazna in ne povzroča nobenih škodljivih emisij ali odpadkov, ki bi lahko škodovali naravi ali imeli kakeršen koli negativen efekt na gradbeni objekt ali njegovo okolico.

Različni načini, ki jih uporabljamo za merjenje vlage:

Merjenje vlage glede na električno prevodnost (z globinsko sondo).


Merjenje vlage s pomočjo ultrazvoka (meri tudi v globino materiala).


Merjenje vlage glede na električno prevodnost.


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